Thomas is the son of a faithfully returning couple that I met in one of my exhibitions a while ago. In time, they bought some Wacky Woodies, key bowls and they also bought my daughter’s Wacky House (which until then was just for show…) but she still doesn’t know I sold it.
This year I met them again and now they wanted a height chart. I thought I could come up with something a tad more special than the ones online.
Made in walnut, oak and molten metal.

Let their imagination run wild

The Wacky Woodies are made with London plane, yew, oak, walnut, good old pine from a fence post, ash, beech from my daughter’s cot (I know, I’m going downhill…), other beech not from a cot and olive ash. The carved plaque is made with sapele and masur birch veneer, showing Thomas’s star sign, the Aries ram. (With some imagination). However, if you want a real woodcarver, you are clearly not going to call me, but do please get in touch with my friend Jon Leaf.

I will make you a bespoke height chart in all different wood species and designs, free-standing or wall-hung.

The customer wanted the measurements marked in feet and inches only, but I’ll make it in centimetres, or both if you prefer. After all it is for you and you are paying.

Dimensions of the pictured one:

Height: 1m 34cm

Width: 20cm

depth: 2.5cm

Prices vary. But don’t go away yet. For something like this one, in walnut, including solid wood inch markings, molten metal markings and details, Wacky Woodies and a personalised plaque…

I’ve seen the ones online too. They are quite cheap, yes. And rather ordinary.

Have a look at how it was made here.

If you like the look of these little gems, click here for more!


You can see some more examples of the Wacky charts in my online shop.

P.S. A few years later, Alexander James, Thomas’ new brother, was born and so I received a call asking if I could make one for him as well. Alexander’s zodiac sign is rat so soon enough, another Wacky plaque was sent to meet the family.



Furniture for life.

Handmade, finished by hand and oiled using only natural oils.

All vegan and cruelty-free products, including adhesives and finishes.

Every item, every time.

You can always find me on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.

Just follow the cube!